Here's the cover and story line-up for BRAVE NEW GIRLS: STORIES OF GIRLS WHO SCIENCE AND SCHEME, coming August 2017! Proceeds from sales of the anthology will be donated to the Society of Women Engineers scholarship fund.
Stories in the anthology (in alphabetical order by title):
The 17th Quadrennial Intergalactic Neo-Cultural Expo and Science Fair by Jeanne Kramer-Smyth
The Adventure of the Brass Lamp by Margaret Curelas
Arch Nemesis by Jamie Krakover
The Babysitting Job: A Robot Repair Girl Adventure by Josh Pritchett
The Case of the Missing Sherlock by Mary Fan
Chasing the Copper Dragon by Karissa Laurel
Circus in the Sky by Lisa Toohey
Dangerous Territory by Holly Schofield
The Experimental Bug – First Test by Jelani-Akin Parham
Hack by Evangeline Jennings
In a Whole New Light by Michelle Leonard
The Last Android by Paige Daniels
Let Androids Eat Cake by Meg Merriet
The Maker’s Handbook by George Ebey
The Non-Existence of Gravity by Steph Bennion
Nova by Stephen Landry
Our Very Respected and Always Benevolent Leader by Kay Dominguez
Scilla’s Monster by Elisha Betts
Skyris by A.A. Jankiewicz
Sweet Emotion by Bryna Butler
The Swiss Cheese Model by Eric Bakutis
The Verne Shot by Brandon Draga
Stories in the anthology (in alphabetical order by title):
The 17th Quadrennial Intergalactic Neo-Cultural Expo and Science Fair by Jeanne Kramer-Smyth
The Adventure of the Brass Lamp by Margaret Curelas
Arch Nemesis by Jamie Krakover
The Babysitting Job: A Robot Repair Girl Adventure by Josh Pritchett
The Case of the Missing Sherlock by Mary Fan
Chasing the Copper Dragon by Karissa Laurel
Circus in the Sky by Lisa Toohey
Dangerous Territory by Holly Schofield
The Experimental Bug – First Test by Jelani-Akin Parham
Hack by Evangeline Jennings
In a Whole New Light by Michelle Leonard
The Last Android by Paige Daniels
Let Androids Eat Cake by Meg Merriet
The Maker’s Handbook by George Ebey
The Non-Existence of Gravity by Steph Bennion
Nova by Stephen Landry
Our Very Respected and Always Benevolent Leader by Kay Dominguez
Scilla’s Monster by Elisha Betts
Skyris by A.A. Jankiewicz
Sweet Emotion by Bryna Butler
The Swiss Cheese Model by Eric Bakutis
The Verne Shot by Brandon Draga