Authors are listed alphabetically by last name. Click the names to learn more.
T. Eric Bakutis is an author and professional game designer based in Maryland. His first book, Glyphbinder, was a finalist for the 2014 Compton Crook Award, and he completed his first fantasy trilogy in March 2017. His short fiction has appeared in a number of markets including anthologies from Ragnarok Publications and Deepwood Publishing. He has been closely following developments in virtual and augmented reality for years and loves talking about how VR and AR will change our lives in the near future.
I work in a field (videogame design) that would benefit greatly from more female voices, designers, and programmers. I want my daughter to be able to pursue any field that excites her without worrying about harassment or discrimination, and I’m happy to contribute to causes that support that goal. |
Twitter: @TEricBakutis
Twitter: @TEricBakutis
Steph Bennion is an English writer, civil servant and occasional musician, born and bred in the Black Country but now living in Hastings after too many years in the black hole of London. Her science fiction stories are written as a reaction to the dearth of alternative heroes amidst bookshelves swamped by tales of the supernatural. For every aspiring vampire or wizard, the world needs an astrophysicist, an engineer, or at the very least someone who can make the trains run on time. "The Non-Existence Of Gravity" shares the same fictional universe as her Hollow Moon space operas for young adults (and adults young at heart); City Of Deceit, the third novel in the series, was published in 2016.
Jobs in mathematics, science, technology and engineering should be open to all. I want to live in a world where everyone gets a chance to shine, no matter who you are or where you're from. |
Twitter: @WyrdStar
Twitter: @WyrdStar
Martin Berman-Gorvine is the
author of six published science fiction/fantasy novels: the Sidewise
Award-winning novel The Severed
Wing (Livingston Press, 2002), 36 (Livingston Press, 2012), Seven Against Mars (Wildside Press, 2013), Save the Dragons! (Wildside Press,
2013), which was a finalist for the Prometheus Award, Ziona: A Novel of Alternate History (Amazon/CreateSpace, 2014),
and Heroes of Earth (Wildside
Press, 2015).
I have always been a proud feminist and cannot fathom why any society would insist on hobbling half of its people. I am also drawn to powerful, active female characters in my own writing, which certainly implies that they have high scientific and technical skills in the best traditions of speculative fiction. |
Elisha is a multifaceted artist who works in a variety of mediums, including the written word. Though she applies herself to her visual art more often than writing, she has wanted to have her stories published since she was 10 years old, and thankfully no one thought to disabuse her of the notion. She keeps her bank account happy by working part-time as a florist, and her free time not already devoted to art is often spent reading, playing video games, or adoring her two cats.
While I’ve never been into STEM, being one of the only girls on the high school wrestling team certainly gave me my fair share of experiences and thoughts about being a woman in a male-dominated space. Anything that helps girls feel more confident and comfortable with pursuing what they want is something I want to be involved in, so I jumped on the chance to contribute to Brave New Girls! |
Bryna Butler is a journalism-trained writer who has authored dozens of articles and financial publications before taking the leap into teen mysteries in 2011. Her wonderfully unique books range from the Midnight Guardian series, which is a contemporary twist on the tooth fairy myth, to the Mothman Mysteries, featuring the adventures of the legendary Mothman of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, and the book-blogging girl-next-door. Butler believes the heart of teen fiction is in creating realistic relationships with strong teens who feel the full consequences of their choices.
My stories tend to feature strong girls. How great is it to have one of them included in an effort that will make a very real impact for the next generation of strong, smart women? Thank you to Paige and Mary for this opportunity to pay it forward and pave the way through scholarship fortomorrow's strong girls as they show the world what they can do. |
Twitter: @mogdocnews
Instagram: @butlerwroteit
Twitter: @mogdocnews
Instagram: @butlerwroteit
Lyssa Chiavari is an author of speculative fiction for young adults. Her books include Cheerleaders from Planet X and the ongoing Iamos Trilogy—which “Sea-Stars and Sand Dollars” is a prequel to! Her short stories have been published in a number of anthologies, including Wings of Renewal, a solarpunk dragon collection, Perchance to Dream, an anthology of Shakespeare retellings, and Magic at Midnight, a collection of YA fairy tale retellings.
I’ve loved science ever since I was a kid doing fun—albeit sometimes messy—experiments for Girl Scout patches and watching Star Trek with my mom. I even worked as a science teacher at an elementary school for a couple years, which is where I came up with the idea for a series set on Mars in the future, after the Curiosity rover landed on the Red Planet. I hope that through my support of the Society of Women Engineers in Brave New Girls, the first generation of women to set foot on Mars will be able to achieve their dreams. |
Twitter: @lyssachiavari
Twitter: @lyssachiavari
Jennifer J. Chow enjoys inventing teen stories with fantastical elements. Her most recent YA novel is Dragonfly Dreams. Her short fiction has appeared in various literary magazines, including Foliate Oak Literary Magazine and Yay! LA Magazine. Learn more at
As a previous Science Olympiad participant, I’m proud to be a part of this anthology. Having daughters myself, I’m particularly excited about supporting and encouraging females in STEM fields. |
Russ Colchamiro is the author of the rollicking space adventure, Crossline, the hilarious SF/F backpacking comedy series Finders Keepers, Genius de Milo, and Astropalooza, and is editor of the new SF anthology Love, Murder & Mayhem, all with Crazy 8 Press.
Russ lives in New Jersey with his wife, two children, and crazy dog, Simon, who may in fact be an alien himself. Russ has also contributed to several other anthologies, including Tales of the Crimson Keep, Pangaea, Altered States of the Union, Camelot 13, TV Gods 2, and Brave New Girls. He is now working on three collaborative novella projects and the first full-length novel featuring his hardboiled private eye Angela Hardwicke. As a matter of full disclosure, readers should not be surprised if Russ spontaneously teleports in a blast of white light followed by screaming fluorescent color and the feeling of being sucked through a tornado. It’s just how he gets around — windier than the bus, for sure, but much quicker. Russ is repped by The Zack Compnay. For more on Astropalooza and Russ’ others tales, visit, follow him on Twitter @AuthorDudeRuss, and ‘like’ his Facebook author page Russ encourages you to email him at [email protected]. |
Brave New Girls is a fantastic series. I'm tickled pink to be a part of it, especially since my seven-year-old daughter is my co-author!
Twitter: @authorduderuss
Instagram: @authorduderuss
Twitter: @authorduderuss
Instagram: @authorduderuss
M.L.D. Curelas lives in Calgary, Canada, with two humans and a varying number of guinea pigs. Raised on a diet of Victorian literature and Stephen King, it's unsurprising that she now writes and edits fantasy and science fiction. Her most recent short fiction appears in the anthologies Equus, 49th Parallels, and Brave New Girls: Stories of Girls Who Science and Scheme. Margaret is also the owner of Tyche Books, a Canadian small-press which publishes science fiction and fantasy.
Having a young daughter has raised my awareness of how much representation matters. Her delight in discovering stories about girls having adventures and doing things has inspired me to write stories that will similarly delight other girls and women. For the third Brave New Girls anthology, she requested a story about a girl on Mars, so here we are. |
Paige Daniels is the pen name of Tina Closser. By day she works as an Electrical Engineer and Mom mushing her kids from gymnastics and violin practice. After the kids go to bed, she rocks out with her headphones turned to eleven and cranks out books. She is an uber science geek. If she wasn't married to the most terrific guy in the world, she would be a groupie for Adam Baldwin.
The true key to innovation in our society is diversity without that you have the same ideas from the same people. We need new people in these STEM fields to spark innovation and creativity. |
Keith R.A. DeCandido's most recent writing includes the Alien novel Isolation, based on the movie series and the hit videogame; Mermaid Precinct, the latest in his fantasy/police procedural series; A Furnace Sealed, the debut of his new urban fantasy series set in New York; the graphic novel Icarus, adapting Gregory A. Wilson's novel; stories in Mine!, Unearthed, Thrilling Adventure Yarns, Across the Universe, Nights of the Living Dead, Joe Ledger: Unstoppable, Baker Street Irregulars, Release the Virgins! and many more; and articles on pop culture for, as well as on his Patreon. In 2009, he won a Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Association of Media Tie-in Writers, so he never needs to achieve anything ever again. When he's not writing, Keith is an editor, a third-degree black belt in karate (which he also teaches to kids), a professional percussionist, and probably some other stuff that he can't remember due to the lack of sleep. Find out less at his cheerfully retro web site at
I'm always eager to help out any organization that supports the notion that girls can be whatever they want to be when they grow up, not what people tell them they're supposed to be. Being a part of this anthology series is an honor and a privilege, and I'm grateful to do my little bit to help the Society of Women Engineers.
Web site:
Twitter: @KRADeC
Instagram: krad418
Twitter: @KRADeC
Instagram: krad418
Kay was born in Manhattan but raised in NJ, which she loves as fiercely as some people love their countries or sports teams. She fell in love with YA fantasy and sci-fi as a kid and is proud to have never grown out of it. She has a B.A. in Linguistics, which fed an already present love of language and metaphor, and a minor in Spanish. When not working or writing, she enjoys food, beer, anything to do with Latin America or the Spanish language, yoga, and NFL football. Her YA fantasy novel is represented by Sharon Pelletier of Dystel, Goderich & Bourret.
I would love to see girls and women with equal representation in STEM fields, and I believe a crucial first step to achieving that is to erase the still-present cultural stigma. Fiction is a powerful expression of cultural values, and therefore an important weapon in normalizing these interests, pursuits, and careers for young girls! |
Twitter: @kay_dominguez
Lizz Donnelly is a writer, knitter, cat lady, baking enthusiast and occasional actor. She writes speculative fiction of all lengths, essays, and even the odd play. Her work has been published recently in Neologian, Speculative City, Non Binary Review, and several anthologies. She loves yarn, books, cute fluffy animals, bad puns, and healthy doses of sarcasm. She is also the founder of The (K)indred Experiment, an after school writing program for 6th graders. You can find her on Twitter @LizzDonnelly and Patreon.
I didn't really find an interest in science until I was well out of high school, and didn't come to Science Fiction until grad school. Even then, the books I was reading were very male-dominated. I love the idea of an anthology devoted to showing girls that they can do science and dream big. I wish something like this had been available to me at a much younger age, and I'm thrilled to be a part of it now.
Twitter: @LizzDonnelly
Twitter: @LizzDonnelly
Brandon Draga was born and still lives just outside Toronto, Canada. Drawn to fantasy and world mythology at a young age, his interests segued into his pursuing a Bachelors Degree in History, only realizing years after the fact that he spent more time writing his own personal work than he did some of his papers. In 2014 Brandon released his first novel, The Summerlark Elf, as well as the fantasy children's book Dragon in the Doghouse (with illustrator Deanna Laver). When he isn't writing, Brandon enjoys skateboarding, tabletop games, and playing old punk songs poorly on guitar.
I want to work toward a world where the "smart girl" is no longer a token trope, and where young women don't have to be reminded that they can be whatever they want when they grow up, because it is simply a fact. |
Twitter: @brandondraga
Instagram: @brandondraga
Twitter: @brandondraga
Instagram: @brandondraga
George Ebey got his start by taking his once-vast collection of action figures on epic journeys though countless lands full of exotic wonders and hidden dangers. Today, his action figure collection is much smaller, though several still stand guard on his writing desk, ready to take up arms and march into the fray at a moment’s notice. George was born and raised in Ohio, where he still lives with his wife and an ornery cat named Ollie. When he’s not writing or playing with his action figures, he enjoys being outdoors, studying history, and searching for new and interesting places to explore.
In a perfect world, the problem of gender inequality wouldn’t exist. I hope that Brave New Girls will help bring us one step closer to that world. |
Twitter: @Ebeybooks
Twitter: @Ebeybooks
Mary Fan is a hopeless dreamer, whose mind insists on spinning tales of “what if.” As a music major in college, she told those stories through compositions. Now, she tells them through books—a habit she began as soon as she could pick up a pencil. And what stories she has! Currently, she has three series in progress and likes to think that she has even more in her bag.
Popular culture is a powerful thing. That's why we need more stories about girls who use their brains to save the day, and about girls who aren't afraid of showing off their nerdier sides. Website:
Facebook: Twitter: @astralcolt Blog: Mailing list: |
JF Garrard wanted to be a mad scientist when she grew up. Instead, she's worked in various research labs, Nuclear Medicine departments, on hospital construction projects and even helped dissect a baby once! She is the founder of Dark Helix Press, Co-President of Canadian Authors Association - Toronto, Deputy Editor for Ricepaper Magazine and Assistant Editor for Amazing Stories Magazine. Her background is in Nuclear Medicine and she has an MBA in Strategy and Marketing. She is an editor and writer of speculative fiction (Trump: Utopia or Dystopia, The Undead Sorceress), non-fiction (The Literary Elephant), as well as children’s books.
Girls need every bit of help they can get. As soon as one is born female, there is a perceived disadvantage in every category from physical tointellectual. Brave New Girls provides a platform to let writers challenge these ideas and to let girls know that the world doesn't have to be the way it is now with rampant inequality. My stories mainly have protagonists with Asian females to represent my heritage and to present more diversity in stories.
Kimberly G. Giarratano lives in the woods of northeastern Pennsylvania with her husband and small children. She is a former ESL teacher and YA librarian. Kimberly dreams of moving to Key West where she can write in a small studio, just like Hemingway.
Kimberly is excited to participate in the anthology and show her baby daughter that girls can and do make big contributions in science and engineering. |
Halli Gomez planned to have three careers: law enforcement, teacher, and writer. For seventeen years she worked as an intelligence analyst for police departments in Florida and North Carolina. Now, as a third degree black belt in taekwondo, she teaches martial arts and is inspired by her students’ stories and dedication. She also writes for children and young adults because those voices flow through her brain. Halli was born in New York, but grew up in Florida until chased out by hurricanes, and now lives equidistant between the beaches and mountains of North Carolina. She loves the outdoors and is obsessed with superheroes and super villains.
For most of my adult life, I’ve worked in male-dominated fields. Try being a five-foot, twenty-something female demanding to be heard in a sea of men. I don’t want girls to deny their passions because they’re intimidated or are faced with a lack of opportunities. I am thrilled to have this chance to support them.
Twitter: @Ninja_writes
Twitter: @Ninja_writes
Valerie Hunter is a high school English teacher whose stories have appeared in magazines including Cicada and Cricket, and in the YA anthologies Cleavage: Breakaway Fiction for Real Girls and Real Girls Don't Rust. She is also currently working towards her MFA in children's and young adult literature at Vermont College of Fine Arts.
Valerie wrote A Little Bit Truer for Brave New Girls because she believes girls should be encouraged to work towards whatever dreams they set their minds to. |
Nicole Iversen has been writing since 2004 with no sign of stopping, no matter what her daily motivation tries to tell her. Through her writing she hopes to open up people’s minds to characters with different disabilities, as true diversity includes everyone.
Her work has been included in Exile Editions anthology, Alice Unbound: Beyond Wonderland, as well as WCSFA’s fundraising anthology, Power: In the Hands of One, In the Hands of Many. Game Over is her first story to include characters with disabilities, but it won’t be the last. Ever since I got my hands on the first Brave New Girls anthology I fell in love, and knew I wanted to be a part of it. Representation matters, and there is a serious lacking of characters with disabilities in any genre. I hope anyone, whether they have a disability or not, will read my story, go on the adventure, and be inspired. |
A.A. Jankiewicz (known to most as Agnes) hails from the city of Pickering, Ontario. Her debut novel, Q-16 and the Eye to All Worlds, was published as part of her thesis project at Durham College as part of the Contemporary Media Design Program. Prior to that, she graduated from York University with a BFA in Film Theory, Historiography, and Criticism. When she’s not busy plotting the next great adventure, tinkering in the Adobe Suite programs, or mellowing out with her friends, she enjoys walks with her four-legged companion Meesha. She is currently working on the next installment in the Q-16 series.
As a fellow tech girl, I wanted a chance to give back to the extraordinary community I find myself part of. I could think of no better way than through sharing my skill of writing. |
Twitter: @aajankiewicz
Instagram: @aajankiewicz
Twitter: @aajankiewicz
Instagram: @aajankiewicz
Like a free media and Muslims everywhere, Evangeline is an enemy of the American people. She writes for the Resistance, and her debut novel Burning Down The House imagines the shameful era of American Carnage which follows the rise of a tiny-fingered snake oil salesman. Sad!
Evangeline Jennings knows nothing about science and frequently struggles with math. She wants her daughter to grow up in a different world. |
Nicholas is an up-and-coming author from Port Coquitlam, British Columbia with a penchant for video game design. He is a graduate of both Simon Fraser University and Vancouver Film School, and combines his (at time oppositional) skillsets to craft both traditional and interactive narrative experiences. He is always studying ways to improve his techniques, and constantly experiments with small weird personal projects to keep his skills sharp. Besides writing and design, Nicholas is a passionate traveler and hiker, and is always in search of his next adventure.
Both partially and in the realm of narrative, STEM fields represent limitless possibilities. I am honoured to be part of this collection and help empower young women in their fields of study!
Nancy Johnston dreamed about growing up to be either a Zamboni driver or a writer with a home full of books. The second did work out. She now teaches women’s and gender studies courses and writing at the University of Toronto. At home, she has many bookcases of old and new SF novels because she has been reading science fiction and participating in fandom since she was a teenager. She has written articles on Canadian SF and is proud to have published several SF short stories, including a story for science fiction anthologies like Bending the Landscape: SF, edited by Nicola Griffith.
I’ve been a sci-fi geek and SF reader since I was able to sign out library books on my own. By the time I turned 12, I realized I disliked most of the teen fiction available at my library (and I refused to read Nancy Drew). Luckily, I discovered SF books and they offered me whole new worlds and ideas that had absolutely nothing to do with the boring story lines about teen romance, babysitting, and high school proms. I’m excited to identify with astronauts, alien ambassadors, time-travellers and colonists on new planets. It’s exciting for me to contribute a dynamic duo of geeks who hate dodgeball and love chemistry class. The world of science fiction has lots of room for unconventional characters and kick-ass heroes of any gender. |
Kris Katzen writes science fiction and fantasy, including “Kaboom, Ka-bye” for Seattle 2072 in the Shadowrun universe. In Kris’s last novel, Curai’Nal, a young woman must win over the crew of her new ship and solve an interstellar mystery before millions of people are killed. Fields of interest include theater, history, and all things feline. She's written numerous short stories showing several crews of various starships in the Earth Military Force. Exploration thousands of years in the future shows that immense eponymous worldship with its diverse crew from all over the Milky Way banding together to voyage to a distant galaxy. For a complete bibliography and all the covers, as well as updates on upcoming works, please visit
It's so vital to encourage girls to go into STEM fields, and to continue to support the women already there. Contributing to that goal, this wonderful anthology shows girls kicking butt with their brains instead of their brawn, and I'm honored and thrilled that my story is included.
Stephen Kozeniewski (pronounced "causin' ooze key") lives with his wife and two cats in Pennsylvania, the birthplace of the modern zombie. During his time as a Field Artillery officer, he served for three years in Oklahoma and one in Iraq, where due to what he assumes was a clerical error, he was awarded the Bronze Star. He is also a classically trained linguist, which sounds much more impressive than saying his bachelor's degree is in German.
The cause of BRAVE NEW GIRLS is good for equality, good for self-esteem, good for the economy, and good for the future of both defense and industry. Everybody wins! Amazon -
Facebook - Twitter - Goodreads - Blog - Mailing List - |
Growing up with a fascination for space and things that fly, Jamie turned that love into a career as an Aerospace Engineer. Combining her natural enthusiasm for Science Fiction and her love of reading, she now spends a lot of her time writing Middle Grade and Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy.
Jamie lives in St. Louis, Missouri with her husband, Andrew and her dog, Rogue. When she isn't being a Rocket Scientist by day and a writer by night, she can be found catching up on the latest sci fi TV, books, and movies as well as spending time on Twitter (maybe a little too much time :-P). And no, the rocket science jokes never get old! As a female engineer, women in STEM is a topic I'm extremely passionate about. I've personally struggled with adversity, watched others face challenges, and even mentored young women in areas of STEM. While women make up 48% of the workforce, only 24% of women work in areas of STEM, and even fewer in engineering. Biases against women in STEM fields develop in kids as young as age 3 or 4. Even worse, young women stray from STEM topics in school starting as young as 4th or 5th grade. Young women need to see strong examples of women in STEM in real life, on TV, and in literature in order to help build and maintain the confidence to pursue STEM careers. As both a Rocket Scientist and a writer, I'm in a unique position to inspire young women to pursue STEM fields. This anthology is a great way to show young women, strong examples of females operating within STEM topics. I published a short story in the second anthology and I'm extremely honored and humbled to have the sequel published in the third installment of Brave New Girls. |
Jeanne Kramer-Smyth has been writing stories since she first got her hands on a typewriter when she was 9. When she was about 11, she attended a chamber music concert with her parents. Her mother thought she had fallen asleep and nudged her to wake up. Jeanne patiently explained that she was just watching the pictures in her mind that the music was inspiring. It took her a long time to realize that most people don't have stories in their head all the time.
Jeanne wants it on record that she competed in a tri-state science fair in tenth grade - she and her partner cloned carrots. A fan of many types of fiction, she has a special place in her heart (and large home library) for fantasy, science-fiction, YA and historical fiction. She is currently an archivist by day and a writer, glass artist and fan of board games by night. Jeanne is the creator of the Pyramid Game Freeze Tag. She lives in Maryland with her husband, son, sister-in-law, and cat. |
I was always a girl good at math. A girl daydreaming about science. I spent a lot of years as a software developer as one of very few women in the room. I dream about a world where women can follow their passion into science and know that so many of us out here have their backs. This project is the sort of thing that can help us achieve that vision.
Twitter: @spellboundblog
Twitter: @spellboundblog
Jason Kucharik grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania. He graduated from Full Sail University with a degree in 3D animation and, after moving to San Diego to pursue a career as a freelance artist, decided it wasn’t for him. Unsure of what to do next, he wrote a bucket list and decided to tackle the first item: write a novel. An idea for a short story turned into a 125,000-word novel in a projected three part series. More ideas began to populate every day, and he was hooked.
After meeting Taran Matharu (first male author on Wattpad to get signed for a publishing deal) in an authors’ club on Facebook, he began co-authoring Project Aspire with Taran and two other authors. Jason’s second novel, VOK, rose to #1 in Science Fiction on Wattpad in September of 2014 and continues to be featured due to the readers he gains daily. He will be self-publishing VOK in the coming months and use the proceeds to create an organization called Authors For Change, which will pair up self-published authors with charities to raise money for those in need. |
Growing up with a mother who was willing to do anything to provide for her children and make them happy, as well as two strong-willed, passionate sisters, I've always appreciated the unsung strength of females. It breaks my heart to see sexism so prevalent in our society to this day. Hopefully, Brave New Girls can help correct such a huge flaw, and I'm happy to be a part of that.
Twitter: @JasonmK85
Twitter: @JasonmK85
Stephen Landry is an avid animal lover. As a writer, he is inspired by the works of China Mieville, Hayao Miyazaki, and Hideo Kojima and his worlds combine science fiction, fantasy, and weird fiction. He is the author of a trilogy of novels in the series titled Deep Darkness (Pull, Trigger, Wound—with Pull currently available on Amazon), Sleepers, and several other short stories. His work has been published in several online magazines and featured on Wattpad. Stephen was trained as an art major with a B.A. in graphic design. He has worked with many up-and-coming authors, video game companies, and film studios, and has won several awards for his filmmaking and photography. Stephen can be found in Nashville, TN and, when not writing, most of his time is devoted to following his other passions, which include other artistic endeavors, helping people, hiking, playing video games, and working toward inspiring others.
My mother and my sister are two of the kindest, most wonderful people in my life. They were my role models growing up. Both have always inspired me to pursue art and explore the world around me. They taught me to never give up and to stand for those less fortunate then I am, even when the odds were against me. My sister now has two amazing daughters, and I want them to live in a world where everyone is equal. If they want to go into science or art, I want them to know they can without any hesitation. More then that, though, I want them to know they can be brave no matter what the circumstances. As a part of Brave New Girls, I believe I can help contribute to that change and inspire others to make this word a better place for all."
Kate Lansing writes mysteries, young adult novels, and short fiction. Her short story, La Chusa, won first place in the Denver Woman's Press Club's 2014 Unknown Writers' Contest, and her short story, Colfax, PI, was published in the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers' 2014 Crossing Colfax Anthology. Kate graduated from CU Boulder with an Applied Math degree and currently lives in Denver, Colorado with her husband and a chair-napping tabby cat named Maple.
I was fortunate growing up to be surrounded by female role models in math and science, but never realized how truly lucky I was until I went to college. I’ll always remember my engineering courses, which usually had around 40-60 students, and how I could count the number of women on one hand. I’m so very thankful for the women in my life who encouraged me, and this anthology seems like a great opportunity to pay it forward. |
Twitter: @lansingkm
Karissa lives in North Carolina with her kid, her husband, the occasional in-law, and a very hairy husky. Some of her favorite things are coffee, chocolate, superheroes, and Star Wars. She can quote The Princess Bride verbatim. She loves to read and has a sweet tooth for fantasy, sci-fi, and anything in between. She is also the author of The Norse Chronicles, an urban fantasy series, and The Stormbourne Chronicles, a young adult fantasy series.
While I've been blessed to have a life in which my curiosity and creativity was supported and encouraged, not all girls have been so fortunate. Contributing to this anthology is my small resistance against those social forces that would discourage feminine curiosity and creativity, both in the arts and in science. |
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads/karissalaurel
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads/karissalaurel
Michelle Leonard was born a math and science nerd. After spending over ten years working with an engineering dream team developing commercial blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs), she escaped the world of seventy-hour workweeks. Nowadays, when she’s not tinkering on her teleporter for transporting her talented daughters to important gigs and lessons, she’s turning outlandish thoughts into stories for young readers. Michelle lives with her science-savvy husband, three inspiring daughters, and a border collie who hates numbers.
Girls interested in science and math continue to face much bias, which often steers them off course. Creating stories about clever girls using science to make the world a better place is one way we can help girls visualize themselves in engineering careers. |
Amy Lewanski is a San Diego, California transplant from Calgary, Canada. She holds an MFA in creative writing with a focus in writing for young people from Antioch University Los Angeles. When she isn’t writing, Amy is either working her day job as a marketer, lifting heavy weights at the gym, or exploring the San Diego restaurant scene with her husband. She likes young adult novels, snacks, very bad puns, and cats. Her work has appeared in “47-16: Short Fiction and Poetry Inspired by David Bowie”, Crazy 8 Press’ anthology “They Keep Killing Glenn” and the forthcoming “Thrilling Adventure Yarns”, also from Crazy 8 Press.
My mom has a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and was one of the few women in her program. When I went to university, I only knew a handful of women in a STEM program (and I wasn’t in STEM, either). Would there have been a different ratio if there were more pop culture examples and role models for girls that encourages them to get into the sciences and math? I hope Brave New Girls and other women led media will change the future. (OK I basically wrote this story for my mom, who is also a big scifi fan. Hi, Mom!)
Phil Margolies has loved reading and writing since his own scouting days (sadly, the future scouts didn’t exist then). He started writing seriously in high school, when friends encouraged him to put on paper the science fictional ideas he pestered them with. These days he writes science fiction & fantasy, and dabbles in horror. His stories have appeared in Brave New Girls, The Worlds of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror anthology, Perihelion SF, Abyss & Apex, and other publications. He lives with his sanity checks: artistic wife, STEAM-loving daughter (who loves reading & writing as well), and skittish rescue dog.
Watching my girl scout daughter’s love of STEAM grow as she does, I appreciate even more how the Brave New Girls anthologies help create a world where cultural expectations for girls and young women are broadened so they can be themselves and flourish. My daughter was the inspiration and guide for this story and the main character |
Tash spends most of the time time falling in streams, out of trees, learning to juggle, dreaming about zombies, dancing, painting, learning/teaching Karate, reading, and of course, writing. Being raised by hippie feminists, child-Tash did not realise that some people believe that women are inherently less capable of certain things. Since this belief is quite obviously ridiculous, the chance to join in an anthology aimed at spreading awareness of how biological sex has no impact on one’s abilities was welcome.
We all deserve role models and characters we can relate to, and smart girls solving problems with their know-how and can do attitude are sadly few and far between. I'm once again delighted to be part of a collection that provides so much inspiration. |
Twitter: @TashMcAdam
Twitter: @TashMcAdam
Meg Merriet is a medievalist with a Masters in Literature from Tulane University. In print, her short stories have been published in The Antigonish Review and Mad Scientist Journal. She currently lives in New Orleans with her husband and their mechanical wind-up cat.
So often in media, we see heroines whose value is based on beauty and brawn. Brave New Girls appealed to my preference for a female character who would prove her mettle through a unique interest, even if it's as unglamorous as stripping engines or coding late into the night. For more Steampunk stories by Meg Merriet, visit
Since the dawning of time (or at least since the time of her birth) stories have cradled, and enveloped MJ in a world of possibility. She lived every free second at the local library devouring picture books, chapter books, reference books, novels and more. In high school she took Drama classes, not just because they were fun but to help her become better in-tune with her characters’ wants and desires.
After becoming an ‘In School Writer’ for the local newspaper, MJ went on to try her hand at Broadcasting Journalism before minoring in Creative Writing (majoring in Theatre) at York University. Since then, her love of adventure has blossomed into a passion for Speculative Fiction writing and her self-published SFF series The Chronicles of Xannia. MJ continues to share her knowledge by holding workshops, giving writing & publicity advice on her emerging authors website Infinite Pathways, and acts as an editor for both DAOwen Publications and Imajin Books. As Chair for the Writers’ Community of York Region, she believes that learning is life-long. MJ is an author dedicated to her craft, and a person who cannot but help others make their way through the quagmire that is writing professionally. |
It is an honor to participate in an anthology dedicated to helping young girls realize their potential in the maths and sciences. There is no greater gift than being apart of a movement empowering our future leaders today, by showing just how strong a woman can be if she puts her mind to a task/goal.
Kate Moretti is the New York Times bestselling author of THOUGHT I KNEW YOU (Red Adept Publishing, 2012) and BINDS THAT TIE (Red Adept Publishing, 2014). She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, two kids, and a dog. She enjoys traveling and cooking, although with two kids, a day job, and writing, she doesn't get to do those things as much as she'd like. She's worked in the pharmaceutical industry for eighteen years as a scientist, and has been an avid fiction reader her whole life.
Her lifelong dream is to buy an old house with a secret passageway. If my girls pursue careers in math or science, I want it to be in a world that isn’t impressed with their choices simply because they’re female. When I say I’m a scientist, people think it’s brainy. Like I'm some kind of unicorn. When a man says it, it’s practically mundane. I want that: for it to be mundane. |
Twitter: @KateMoretti1
Twitter: @KateMoretti1
Ursula Osborne is finishing her masters degree and dissertation while working with books. She’s a nerd, a bookworm and an endless fangirl. She dabbles in many hobbies, enjoys baking and traveling but wishes she could go to more places.
Originally from Southfield, MI, Jelani moved to Phoenix, AZ on the promise of “no snow ever again.” After earning his BA in Media Arts and Animation, he began working as a Freelance Illustrator / Designer, returning to school in 2010 to obtain his MFA in Creative Writing from Full Sail University.
During the day, he works as a Software QA Tester. At night (usually to the detriment of his sleep schedule), he toils away as an illustrator and writer on multiple projects. His debut novel, The Experimental Bug, is set to release in early summer of 2017. In his free time, he is an avid gamer, usually spending an unhealthy amount of time playing fighting games and participating in tournaments. |
The few lead female characters in media that exist tend to get pigeon-holed into stereotypical roles, and rarely are they involved with STEM as the lead character. As a writer hoping to help change that, being a part of this anthology is an honor.
Selenia Paz spends a lot of her time working in a library surrounded by awesome books, and uses the rest of her time to read, write, and run with her dogs. She finds inspiration in everything from history to science and especially loves magical realism. She is also the author of "Lisbeth," a retelling of Macbeth published in the anthology Perchance to Dream, and of "The Inventor's Daughter," part of the upcoming anthology Magic at Midnight.
It is important that young readers see a reflection of themselves in the stories they read, and the Brave New Girls anthologies are powerful tools for helping encourage girls to pursue their love of science no matter what. |
Josh Pritchett is from Charlottesville, Virginia and is the proud uncle of three nieces and two nephews. He has been published in the horror anthologies Bones III, Kids Vol 1, and in Brave New Girls volumes one and two. When he isn't writing, Josh loves to exercise, draw, read, and study the Klingon Language.
Brave New Girls matters because young women need heroes now more than ever to show them that they can do everything a man can do, just as well or even better than a man can. |
Mackenzie Reide graduated with an Honors Degree in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in Aerospace. While she was born and raised in Canada, she loves to travel and has worked at the German Aerospace Center and the University of Stuttgart, Germany. She has also enjoyed being part of the Society of Women Engineers doing programs in schools to encourage girls to express their love of math and physics.
When not staring into space, wishing she was traveling in Dr. Who’s TARDIS, she writes mystery-adventure and science fiction with strong female characters for both kids and adults. Her most recent stories include the middle-grade novels The Mystery of Troll Creek, The Mask of the Troll, and The Mine Caper as well as short stories in the anthologies Altered States of the Union, Infinite Dimensions, and Brave New Girls. I know first hand what it’s like to face adversity in engineering. In spite of what might seem to be progress, there is still a gap in the level of support for girls and women to pursue careers and stay in the STEM fields. It is vital to have characters for girls to read about that show them it is normal to be smart and encourage them to develop their interests in science and engineering. Website:
Instagram: @mackenziereide Twitter:@mackenziereide Blog: |
Jeremy Rodden considers himself a dad first and an author second. He is the author of the middle grade/young adult cartoon fantasy Toonopolis series as well as numerous fantasy and science fiction stories in several anthologies. He can be found on his author/book review blog at or active on Facebook ( and Twitter (@toonopolis).
As a stay-at-home dad, I know the struggles of choosing a vocation that is 'not meant for your gender', so the mission of Brave New Girls appealed strongly to me. I had to challenge stereotypes about men and I hope our stories can inspire girls to do the same when it comes to STEM fields.
Aaron Rosenberg is the author of the best-selling DuckBob SF comedy series, the Dread Remora space-opera series, the Relicant Chronicles epic fantasy series, and—with David Niall Wilson—the O.C.L.T. occult thriller series. Aaron’s tie-in work contains novels for Star Trek, Warhammer, World of WarCraft, Stargate: Atlantis, Shadowrun, Eureka, Mutants & Masterminds, and more. He has written children’s books (including the original series STEM Squad and Pete and Penny’s Pizza Puzzles, the award-winning Bandslam: The Junior Novel, and the #1 best-selling 42: The Jackie Robinson Story), educational books on a variety of topics, and over seventy roleplaying games (such as the original games Asylum, Spookshow, and Chosen, work for White Wolf, Wizards of the Coast, Fantasy Flight, Pinnacle, and many others, and both the Origins Award-winning Gamemastering Secrets and the Gold ENnie-winning Lure of the Lich Lord). He is the co-creator of the ReDeus series, and a founding member of Crazy 8 Press. Aaron lives in New York with his family. You can follow him online at, on Facebook at, and on Twitter @gryphonrose.
I think it's ridiculous that any kid should ever be told 'you can't do this or be that because you're—' Every kid has the right and the potential to be whomever and whatever they want to be, and the best way to show them that is to give them positive role models of every variety, in life and in fiction. These stories are a great way to do that, and I'm thrilled to participate.
Twitter: @gryphonrose
Twitter: @gryphonrose
Jenifer Purcell Rosenberg wrote her first short story, about a young girl on an adventure, when she was eight years old. Many years, and even more adventures later, she still enjoys writing stories. She lives in NYC with her family, and enjoys taking them on adventures as well.
I remember being a girl and wishing there were more stories about girls like my friends and I. When my daughter was born, I started making stories for her, and this anthology is a way to continue that tradition for more girls to enjoy. |
Jennifer Lee Rossman is a science fiction geek from Oneonta, New York, where she cross stitches, watches Doctor Who, and threatens to run over peple with her wheelchair. Her work has been featured in several anthologies, and her time travel novella, Anachronism, was published in June 2018. Her debut novel, Jack Jetstark's Intergalactic Freakshow, will be published by World Weaver Press in 2019.
I think I was always supposed to be a scientist, but people fostered my writing talents instead of my scientific ones. I want the next generation of girls to have the options I didn't have. |
Aimie K. Runyan is an author of historical fiction and lover of all things French and French-Canadian. Her debut novel, PROMISED TO THE CROWN, forthcoming from Kensington books in May 2016, is the story of the brave women who left their lives behind in France to help secure Louis XIV’s Quebec colony. She loves travel, cooking, nerd culture, movies, and of course, reading all the fiction she can get her hands on. She lives in Colorado with her amazing husband Allan, two adorable children, Ciarán and Aria, and her cowardly Shetland Sheepdog, Pippin.
I’m perhaps not the typical contributor to this anthology. I’ve always been a liberal arts girl, and not because I was told ‘that’s what girls do’. Quite the opposite. My older sisters excelled in math and science while I was off cavorting with the English geeks and Drama nerds. That said, I want my daughter to have the same gift my parents gave me—to know that a woman’s place is wherever she damn well wants it to be. And I also love, love, love a well-written Sci Fi or fantasy story, in book or movie form. I think they are a powerful vehicle for showing us the possibilities in store for human kind; for better or for worse. |
Twitter: @aimiekrunyan
Twitter: @aimiekrunyan
J.R. Rustrian is a part-time author with works published in magazines such as Unfading Daydream, Bards and Sages Quarterly and Astounding Outpost. He graduated from Cal State Long Beach with a B.A. in History and spends every waking moment reading history, playing video games and finding new cuisine to taste. Currently living in Southern California, he hopes one day to publish a novel and work with some fellow minded authors on anything sci-fi or fantasy.
I grew up with an extended family full of strong, passionate, and loving women, so I have been lucky to have such amazing role models for my works. Now that I have a wonderful baby niece, I wish for her to grow up in a world where women in stories are scientists, engineers and mechanics as well as mothers and sisters. I can only hope that I have a small hand in contributing to those stories.
Joanna Schnurman is an accomplished soprano and singing teacher with a deep and abiding love of all things literary. She has always been an avid reader and has enjoyed bringing many poems and literary characters to life on the stage. In the last few years and with the encouragement of dear friends, she began to explore another facet of her creativity through writing short stories, poems and novellas. Her work is primarily fantasy and science fiction, although she relishes dabbling in many genres.
Representation matters. It’s important that girls who enjoy scientific pursuits can see strong examples of females flourishing in STEM fields. I hope that girls who read this anthology feel supported and inspired to follow their dreams!
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Holly Schofield travels through time at the rate of one second per second, oscillating between the alternate realities of city and country life. Her fiction has been published in Lightspeed's "Women Destroy Science Fiction," Tesseracts, Unlikely Story, and many other publications throughout the world. Upcoming stories will appear in Young Explorer's Adventure Guide and Analog. For more of her work, see
When I was a little girl reading science fiction, all the protagonists were male. I knew something wasn't quite right with that but I accepted it for most of my childhood as 'just how things were.' I don't want today's young girls to experience that feeling of not quite counting. I think fiction (and the entire world) will be far better off once the intelligence, abilities, and contributions of 'the other half of the population' are equally represented. |
Davien Thomas is a YA speculative fiction and science fiction author who dabbles occasionally in horror and poetry, but not together. Davien holds a degree in computer and information sciences, but mainly enjoys writing because technology is so important to the future of humankind that everyone should be involved in it.
I chose to contribute to Brave New Girls because fiction is such a strong inspirational force, especially when the societies in which we live do not feed our personal aspirations. I hope that, by featuring more women as role models in fiction, we can change some of our more embedded cultural norms, inspiring men to accept more women in technical fields, and inspiring more women to embrace the idea that there is no good reason their dreams need to be constrained by someone else's cultural norms.
Lisa Toohey has recently discovered that she doesn't know how to slow down. This year she has moved, graduated college, and recently got engaged. Despite the chaos she has managed to make time for writing and has had several short stories published this year. She is so excited to be back for book four of Brave New Girls!
I grew up in a home where my dad treated me just like my brothers, I didn't even realize gender discrimination was so prevalent until I reached High School. I was the only girl in my tech class, and I was really and truly surprised by this. I want to show girls they can achieve anything, just like my dad showed me. |
J.K. Ullrich explores the future as a technology analyst by day and a science fiction writer by night. She published her debut novel Blue Karma in 2015, followed by the Syzygy novella series. When she's not imagining tomorrow, she likes to spend today running, playing music, and yelling at her baseball team. Stop by for more about her work and peeks at her upcoming third book, Binary Chop.
As a young science fiction fan, I craved relatable heroines in the genre, but few existed. Contributing to Brave New Girls lets me give those stories, and the real-life empowerment they inspire, to a new generation. |
Leandra Wallace is an Indiana girl with a love for vanilla in her pop, shiny things, and ampersands. Whenever she sees an old abandoned house, the compulsion to go explore is right behind it. Thankfully, common sense always prevails, or she might have died from snake bite or a falling roof years ago. She coincides with her husband, son, and a small black dog, dreaming of one day being a full-time author. And eating calorie-free desserts.
Mathematics created all sorts of anxiety for me as a kid in school. Being able to contribute to a girl's future that not only excels at mathematics and the sciences - but enjoys it as well - is an exciting and rewarding opportunity for me. |
Victoria Zelvin is a writer living and working in Washington D.C. She lives in an apartment with more books than square footage and with two cats who have taken over her social media. Her short fiction work has appeared in publications including Daily Science Fiction, Shoreline of Infinity, Mason Jar Press, and numerous other anthologies. Her other work can be found at
I remember being a voracious reader as a child. I read nothing more so than books that put girls center stage, such as the Dear America books. Without those, which covered a wide breadth of topics and different types of girls, I'm not sure I would have kept reading as much as I did. I am honored to be part of this anthology, where girls get to see themselves represented at the forefront, rather than as the singular, side "girl character" of many of the other books I read as a child. I hope that it encourages them to believe in themselves as much as encourage others, and that they are not the singular girl in their chosen class or field.
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